
Protecting your home and family from intrusion, fire and other dangers is as an important investment as one can make.


Door & Window Contacts

Your system can be designed to let you know if and when contact is made, and if it is reason for concern.

Glassbreak Sensors

The security sensors will detect if and when glass is broken, even if just an accident. Better safe than sorry and our systems account for all possibilities.

Motion Sensors

Motion sensors will detect when anyone or anything is lurking about, giving you added comfort in the security of home.

Smoke & Carbon Detectors

More important than anything else, these precise devices are hypersensitive and life-saving.

Wireless Sensors

House Systems works to reduce energy usage by consolidating your system. Wireless sensors connect to your network and can be monitored remotely.

iOS Control

Through a digital App you will be able to enable or disable whichever part of your alarm system you need. You can do this from anywhere, including far away from home.

Central Station 24 Monitoring

Adding to your peace of mind is round-the-clock monitoring from a centralized location which connects your network to their network. This is an added layer of security to help give you peace of mind about protecting your home.